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Survival of the fittest: Fitness built to last

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Survival of the fittest: Fitness built to last


With colder days creeping up, you’ve got all the reason to stay under the covers and let your middle bear the weight of the season. Or, you can follow our 6 SIMPLE STEPS to keeping your fitness regimen very much alive.


If you don’t want to find yourself at the onset of bikini season and running for cover, listen to the simple bits of wisdom and follow suit:



Waking up as little as one hour earlier than your standard routine, will make time for an hour of fitness. Out of your comfort zone, it’s proven to be the very best way to start the day. Research has proven that early morning fitness routines help boost financial outlooks and decisions throughout your day.(it also improves your sex life) So lose some pounds and make some dough.



Balance your lean protein with fiber rich carbs for optimal results. Just working out isn’t enough. In fact, relying on just carbs and quick fixes will leave you in a slump and put a stop on your workout energy levels. Smaller, frequent meals filled with a balanced protein/ carb ratio (the good kind) will improve your chances of a consistent workout.



Can’t buy a home just yet? Invest in home equipment. If you have the right tools handy, you’re halfway there and more likely to put a spin on it. Don’t get super bulky machinery, since they’re rarely used and space wasters. Leave those for gym days. For home use, opt for weights, foldable add ons, and mats that improve your home workout routine.



Enlist a friend because workouts in good company are way more reliable when you’ve got yourself a plus one. A gym partner will remind you, motivate you, push you and accompany you. It’s also someone who counts on you so you’re more likely to follow through.



Want to work out, but can’t afford a trainer. You don’t have to! Cheat the trainer and subscribe to youtube videos, popular strength training DVDs, episodes, or other forms of tutorials to follow along with. It’s all about following the lead and knowing the right moves. You may even lose more by spending less.



The reward, that is. Set goals and set aside rewards when reaching goals. These will inspire you to push your limits and create more feasible mile markers than large weight loss aspirations. Choose small treats, splurges or non food related purchases that will make you feel good about your fitness goals.


Whatever it is that you decide to take away from it all, be sure it leaves you with ample room to exercise


Stay warm and keep hot,


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